Our LBD and P disease journey #83


Hubby is going on day three of a bad leg....pretty painful...called doctors and they say just give him Tylenol...also talked with others on the group chat for this disease and their hubbies have had the same problem....not much can be done other than give a different med and they all say it just caused other problems.....so for now hubby rests in his recliner and tries to hobble to the bathroom when needed....brought his rollator in but he can't use it much in the house ...to many things around....plus grandkids are playing and he enjoys watching them play.....we will eventually have to move to a one level....I have stairs everywhere...2 steps up to family room....2 steps on the other side to kitchen.......then family room, bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms are all on one level......oh well....we just keep moving forward......no fever, no redness on knee, knee is not hot, knee is a little swollen but hurts behind the knee and up back of leg.....


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