Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #63


Every day it amazes me how much this disease steals from us....I hate it. Today I was to ask hubby several questions....one name the 12 grandkids...this is one he practices all the time...over and over but when I asked him ...he names one son and 5 grandkids and was so frustrated he could not remember the others....this is a man who could tell you the license plate numbers of the people who lived in Weippe in the 70"s..........he still knew them up until this disease.......a man truck drivers would call and ask what was some of the best truck stops in the states.....he knew them by name and address.........now he takes the garbage out and never can remember to put a bag back in....he vacuums be goes over and over in one spot......he puts dishes back in not the cupboards but the oven, refrigerator, dressers anywhere......but also a guy who if you ask him about semi's will talk for hours ...gotta love him and just follow behind him and fix what needs done....yes, it drives me crazy but at least he is still here.....I was told by a lady the other day....Helen, don't just keep taking it...you can always just leave...he will be placed somewhere and boy, did that make me upset, sad and mad.........no way...our vows were for better or worse, until death do us part...........I am here for the long haul and I know he would be for me....life.....we never know what our journey will be but we make the best of it..........


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