Our Lewy body dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #61

 Our Lewy body dementia and Parkinson Disease journeyToday has just been a weird day. Last night hubby could not sleep his leg hurt and he was restless. Then we always get up around 4-6 am. This morning, I got up and hubby said I want to sleep some more. So ok go ahead and rest. About 9 am I go in and say "Brent, I need you to wake up I need to run to town and take care of some things and get groceries".... he rolls over and says "ok, go ahead and go"...what???? ...hubby never says that.....he never likes me to go alone even if he has to set in the truck while I am in the store.....but today he says "go ahead"......I get back around 11 am...and finally get him to get up....he says his leg is ok....but he is just resting...no energy...doesn't want to do anything.........so if you are not to busy......just whisper a prayer for him....he ate good but just not Brent.........


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