Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey # 56


For those of you who are following our journey I want to just let you know how a little of our day goes...for those who are not following please just move on to a different post.....
Our morning....me...let's go out and check the antifreeze in the pickup
hubby...ok....so he goes out and raises the hood...and stands there
me....now take the cap off the radiator and let's see
hubby takes cap off and stands there just looking...finally I say what are you doing...
hubby...I have this lid and can't find what to do with it
me...it's for the radiator.. check the fluids
hubby....just looking at the motor and standing there
me....how is the fluids
now....all of a sudden he is him and he says "oh it's good we don't need any....and we talk a little about the truck
then he stares off to the back of the truck
I say what you doing.....
hubby...I don't know
me. Well let's close the hood
now...he is angry and says "it's all your fault. You never let me do anything...I know what i am doing...just leave me alone...you are the one causing all of this on me...more and more anger..
I say .."Brent stop"...no more.... neighbors are listening to you...calm down and let's go inside
he looks at me and turns and goes in
the anger is over for him but not for me....his words were mean and cruel I didn't even post all he had to say
This goes on over and over during the day...on and off....not only am I watching his body go down....and him slowly fading away....I endure his meanness and cruel words........I know some of you know what I am saying.....I know you know we have to pick out our good moments....but yes sometimes all we can do is cry...and lean on the Lord....he has this and us in his hands and I will trust.......


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