Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey....#58


I find so many things are so different. I know some of you who have lost your loved one understand what I am saying. It is so different. But my hubby is still here but not here. So sometimes I forget. Like we are going camping...hubby always took care of the outside things like firewood, axes, shovels etc...man stuff....now I have to remember NO AXES..🪓🪓🪓🪓..so I try to get kindling before we go. Firewood has to be split by sons before we can go.🪵🪵🪵 Because neither of us can use an axe. Trying to remember the stabilizers, fire poker, etc...Hubby is trying but I am finding something being put into the Jeep some are being put in the sheds...and finally some in the truck🛻🛻🛻......etc....hard to get on the same page. Not complaining just recognizing a new world for us. But we will go and have fun.... memories can be made over some of the silliest things....and we intend to do just that....🌳🌳🌳🌳


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