Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey Today's post is not a happy one. But it is necessary for you who are also going through these crazy diseases. Hubby has been real tired not doing much just sleeping. I needed to go to the store and he was awake so I said "do you want to go with me". He says "yes". I run to the car and come back and he has my coat on. I said "take my coat off and here is your coat". This made him angry...real angry. He gets real mad. Jumps back and then gets right in my face and starts screaming. He can do what he wants to do...etc. He was red in the face and real scary to be honest. I of course am bull headed, and I stand my ground and said. "stop" he comes at me with his arm in the air ready to smack me. I then turn and walk out to the car. He comes out in his own coat and doesn't even remember the episode....he just says he is tired. Mercy...how does a person live like this?....daug...
Our LBD and Parkinson Disease journey
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Hubby hasn't been feeling well for several days....please say a little prayer for him......nothing serious just real real tired ...his face is flushed and he just wants to rest....we appreciate all of you and so glad we can come to you when we need an extra prayer sent our way....I have been carrying a lot on my heart and yesterday I was getting ready to make dinner...I reach down to get the air fryer...the cord stuck so I kneel down to get it...hitting my head on the cupboard so I fell backwards onto the floor with the air fryer...my foot catches the crock pot inside the shelf and it falls on my feet...so now I am laying on the floor with the air fryer and crock pot and my head bruised....mercy.....yes it was funny.......I agree...hubby slept on...glad I didn't wake him but also wishing he was there for me....life....not complaining just saying what is on my heart....God bless everyone....and thank you for listening...
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Our LBD and Parkinson Disease journey Sorry I haven't posted and a few have asked about hubby....He is doing good....we have been pretty busy lately and when we are not going ...hubby is sleeping....he sleeps a lot.......but I have found I have to stay awake at night until he goes to sleep or I wake up to him digging in cupboards....walking around the house....just restless....then when he finally falls asleep he is out cold....but other than that we are good....kinda tired as other things have come up that need attended to...I feel I don't get much rest but doing good ....... God is good and we are just resting and trusting God to work all things out for his Glory....
Our LBD and Parkinson Disease Journey
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As summer closes it's time to settle down and enjoy our homes....time to make our families and homes our priority....I was sent this quote......Embrace the beautiful changes this October, knowing God’s love for you never changes. Blessings!........thank you for thinking of me and sending me this........hubby has had a hard week and it finally dawned on me when talking with son that his meds were changing this week ......well.......now I know what in the world was going on........got this and now I can fix it.....poor hubby ..one day he was like the energizer bunny......just going crazy fast at everything....but causing him to fall, cut himself, drop things.....etc......I was going nuts...trying to figure out what was going on.........but we got it regulated and today has been peaceful again...Thank you God......even the doctors have a hard time getting just the right dose...its different with each person and each person's stages...but we are on track again. I have been worki...
Our LBD and Parkinson Disease Journey
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Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey Have you ever wondered what you would do if your spouse passed away from a terrible disease? Where do you go? What do you do? Where will you live? So many questions. They are on my mind all the time. Hubby is in a stage of Lewy Body Dementia....last night he had bad dreams and was yelling. I woke him up and he settled down...but I could not sleep....I tossed and turned until I finally got back up and walked the floor. I always walk when I am stressed, and I needed answers. I have children who are married with kids but what mother wants to make herself a burden to them and their families. I sure don't. But what lies ahead for me. I will take care of hubby as long as my body will hold out.... which if I have to crawl, I will be there for him. We are in this together. But for the future he cannot even think about it. The disease will not allow him to do so. He just looks at me and says, "I don't know but you will figur...
Our LBD and parkinson disease journey
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Have you ever wondered what you would do if your spouse passed away from a terrible disease? Where do you go? What do you do? Where will you live? So many questions. They are on my mind all the time. Hubby is in a stage of Lewy Body Dementia....last night he had bad dreams and was yelling. I woke him up and he settled down...but I could not sleep....I tossed and turned until I finally got back up and walked the floor. I always walk when I am stressed, and I needed answers. I have children who are married with kids but what mother wants to make herself a burden to them and their families. I sure don't. But what lies ahead for me. I will take care of hubby as long as my body will hold out.... which if I have to crawl, I will be there for him. We are in this together. But for the future he cannot even think about it. The disease will not allow him to do so. He just looks at me...
Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey
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Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey Not sure where to start...hubby has been not feeling well the last few days....gets very upset easy....thinks I am being mean to him by not letting him go back to work driving truck....then he sleeps most of the day and awake all night...last night he was in bed out of bed walking around...back in bed ...back out of bed...no sleep for this girl....today he is not feeling well...eyes are glassy and his face is flushed....same meds....just this crazy disease...he can't even think about what needs done or not done....he gets more obsessed over little pieces of paper on the floor...drives me crazy...he will walk around and pick up tiny things on the floor but walks over the toys or clothes the grandkids drop......neurologist says it's normal for this stage but drives me crazy...he can't understand why he is not getting better and he feels so tired all the time....I don't know why he isn't getting better but I know ...