
Our LBD and P disease journey #29

  I guess I need to just count my blessings when I can get 3-4 days of somewhat normal I am discouraged. Been a hard day.....hubby slept good last night I didn't...I had a lot of things to think about and was trying to figure out some answers.....didn't work real answers anyway......... Today hubby has been having anger problems.....youngest son Jeremy was here today visiting. We were all setting and talking when hubby starts turning purple and then begins to cry....and cry and then yell....he was mad that no one listened to him....we ask what are you talking about and he says he can't remember but it was a while ago....then he gets mouthy and mad. Son Jeremy says "dad just relax and tell us what you want to say".....he says nothing and relaxes. So son and I start talking again ...we are still in the same room....when it begins all over again....cry, yelling and anger....son says "dad stop and tell us what you need or want"

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #28

We are so happy to report that things are going pretty good for us. Nothing new or different has been going on. Hubby mowed the lawn today...he forgets some, when mowing he misses a lot and I help him out...but nothing crazy....we are just getting things ready for Easter and plan on enjoying the holiday....daughter was home for the weekend and she got hubby to tell her stories about his semi truck driving time and hubby did pretty good. Daughter is taking these posts and making them into a book for the grandkids to have when they get a little older to remember our journey....hubby thought that was pretty cool. Thank you for all your prayers we feel them daily. God bless and thank you for being with us in our journey.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey #27

  Daughter came home with her two boys...she is such a help. We are working on some things to make life easier plus she is helping with important paperwork. I have found that I need lists.....lots of lists.....I don't know how most of you handled this but from what I read...lists are good. 1. list is for hubby's books....I found I have to have only one book out....I write the name of that book on the list and keep it to show hubby what book he is many books and he reads a page or two in several and thinks he has read all of them. 2. bathing....he thinks he has taken a bath an hour ago. When you say time to take a bath....we have issues. 3. changing clothes....when he takes a bath I sneak in and take his dirty clothes and leave his clean clothes....he can't tell the difference for some reason. 4. where things go........mercy....this drives me crazy.....I find things everywhere......and somethings I am still looking for. 5. learning to just go along.........when


  Jesus offers us living water through His Word..... and His Spirit.... it is up to us to go to the well ......and drink of the water. ....a old saying goes that you can lead a horse to water,..... but you cannot force it to drink........ The same is true for a person’s spiritual walk..... even with others encouragement,..... it is still up to the one who thirsts to drink from what God offers...... As believers, we must continue to remain in relationship with God through prayer...., Scripture...., worship..... service,.... and fellowship with other Christians.....if we don't matter how old you are in the ways of the will become dehydrated will feel weak...down....unhappy....almost rise up people...feast at the table God's word....drink of the spirit....go to church ...find someone to pray with....time is getting short and we need all the workers we can get out there...we need each of you strong and ready for fi

Our lewy Body dementia and parkinson journey #25

 Today is a beautiful sunny Spring is blue weather is great....hubby decides he is restless but his muscles and back are he wants to go for a walk.  He decides he doesn't want to take old blue his walker so I take a walking stick. We are off arm in arm walking.... me with a walking stick....we have three cars at the round a bout stopping and waving at us.  Friendly people out today. As we walk hubby says "what are you going to do if my legs give out and I fall and can't get up.  I say "well I guess I will have to reach down and carry you"....we laugh...and say "well when one falls down the other will be there to pick them back up...we talk about memories we have made.  Hubby talks about his days being numbered....he knows his disease is there....we talk about things we will be facing....and we agree to make as many memories as we can as the summer goes on.  To us it doesn't have to be expensive trips....expensive

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Journey #24

 Today I did something real stupid.....son Jeremy came up and we were moving vehicles around in the driveway so I can move our vintage camper out...Son was moving his PT cruiser so hubby asked if he could move the pickup.   It had to be moved for Jeremy to get out.  To move hubby had to back out into the street and into the neighbor's driveway. Which he has done millions of times. He backed up ok and then decided to pull up along the highway and that's when he hit the round a bout sign and kept going.  The sign is fine no damage but it scrapped all down the side of the pickup and left it's mark. I told him to let me drive and that was when I noticed hubby wasn't doing good.  He was upset because he can't drive any more but had been told by 3 doctors not to drive but for some reason today it came home to him to realize it.   He got so depressed and thought it was all my fault.....he has driven for 35 years semi-trucks all over the United States. and now realized he c

Our lewy body dementa and parkinson disease journey #19 bad nights

  I had a couple of you ask what happens when hubby has a bad night....I will try to explain but I am no authority or had any training...I am just a wife trying to figure all of this out...but if this helps I will let you know what it is like at our house....dementia is different in this is us....hubby has good days and bad days...his bad night usually go for about 2-3 days and nights and then he is back to being "good ole hubby"....but the bad nights he tends to have crazy dreams and in these dreams he is usually fighting someone or something....he actually fights the air punching, yelling, moaning, kicking....I can wake him up and get him up to walk around and a drink of water and go back to bed....he will have another dream....this will happen 3-4 times during the day he is exhausted and doesn't want to do anything and then a repeat the next night....this happens like I said 2-3 nights in a row and then he will be brent for a few