Our LBD and Parkinson Disease Journey
As summer closes it's time to settle down and enjoy our homes....time to make our families and homes our priority....I was sent this quote......Embrace the beautiful changes this October, knowing God’s love for you never changes. Blessings!........thank you for thinking of me and sending me this........hubby has had a hard week and it finally dawned on me when talking with son that his meds were changing this week ......well.......now I know what in the world was going on........got this and now I can fix it.....poor hubby ..one day he was like the energizer bunny......just going crazy fast at everything....but causing him to fall, cut himself, drop things.....etc......I was going nuts...trying to figure out what was going on.........but we got it regulated and today has been peaceful again...Thank you God......even the doctors have a hard time getting just the right dose...its different with each person and each person's stages...but we are on track again. I have been worki