Son Jason

 You know I have been really thinking about the prodigal son....really getting into it...also how there isn't a perfect parent...we are all just winging it.....some of us think we were the perfect parent but just go ask one of your will learn things you didn't even know happened....well we have been blessed to have 3 of our 4 kids live pretty close to us....all but our oldest son Jason....he lives in Nevada...jason went to elementary school here in Lewiston...then we chose to private school him and then homeschool him...he finished school got his GED and then started working his butt off....his goal was money, assets and a great life....he worked his way up to Manager of Telsa in Reno, to know E Musk very well and even traveled with him....he had no time for family....he is married and has 3 daughters...but us in Idaho no time for us...he would text us...stop in as he traveled through but never really visited...just hi gotta go......but this old mom and dad just kept praying..........then one day I sent him by text Kenny Chesney's song "While he still knows my name"......a few days later I get a CALL from Jason....."mom I am coming home"....I cried all the way through the call....he says I have my tickets and I am coming home for a few days......I have been afraid to say anything because I didn't want it to not happen....hubby cried...God answered our prayers.....the other kids are so excited making plans, changing schedules to get to see him.....prayers are bringing our prodigal son home.....yes he is wealthy, yes he is different, yes he has been over up to 300 employees......but he is my first baby we were not the perfect parents......but we are still don't give up on that son or daughter.....God has a plan.....


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