Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #73
We had a real nice couple of days camping....met a couple from the Netherlands who visited with us as they were getting ready to leave for Montana....family came and went....grandkids loved swimming at the beach...hubby and I have been married for 50 years but over the last couple days I heard stories from him I have never heard before....his disease has stages and this one was so different....he was so mellow....into telling about his childhood....fears he had.... at times he just wept and cried....things I didn't know....but tore my heart out to see him cry........but as a caregiver/wife....I was told at these times to just let him talk........made me realize more how this is right in our faces....more how I feel before 70 you pretty much control your own life and choses....but after 70 life pretty much controls you.......we enjoyed the time with each other and got to know each other even more.......hubby had fun just meeting people...waving, talking to different ones he didn't know ...he was a different person.....but today we are back home and to life....I am tired and hubby must be as he has been sleeping.......many of you know what I am talking about....you have been with a loved one when you know things are going down hill....but you hang on...you cherish everything.....you try to lock memories in your mind to keep forever.....but then you try to go back to life as if you have forever to live.........such a journey....thank you for prayers and support...God bless all of you.........

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