Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #78


We have been blessed with a couple mild weeks. Hubby hasn't gotten really upset or had any bad nightmares. Pretty calm. He just picked up a few more quirks....one is he doesn't want to tie his shoes.....gets mad if I say "whoa you need to tie your shoes before we leave the house"....this makes him angry......but will finally tie them...............he doesn't like the TV any more.....if it is on he turns it off........he wants to just set and do nothing and listen to nothing......he reads very little and thinks he has read all day......when he orders in the restaurant it is always the wrong food......he tries to make a scene but usually one of us steps in and he quiets down...most days he is real confused and hard to talk with....I usually just give up. I will be taking him with me to the new house to help build a deck on. I figured out how to take him and still care for him while I work. He got real upset last time I left him home so best keep him close by....I am getting better at reading this disease and his needs so that helps me. We want to drive to Sparks/Reno to see our oldest son's new home but not sure I can handle driving and keeping hubby calm....so will see how we work this out...


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