
Showing posts from July, 2024

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey. #79

  I am happy to say hubby has been doing good. He helped on the deck ...packing things up and down a 45 degree hill. He never fell once. Got tired but it went good. The last couple weeks at home he has been really trying...trying to over come but it's a disease and he can only do so much. But God has been good and he has been on the up hill slope of things. Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for prayers and for hubby doing better. Yes we know it is a matter of time but things are good for now.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #78

  We have been blessed with a couple mild weeks. Hubby hasn't gotten really upset or had any bad nightmares. Pretty calm. He just picked up a few more is he doesn't want to tie his shoes.....gets mad if I say "whoa you need to tie your shoes before we leave the house"....this makes him angry......but will finally tie them...............he doesn't like the TV any more.....if it is on he turns it off........he wants to just set and do nothing and listen to nothing......he reads very little and thinks he has read all day......when he orders in the restaurant it is always the wrong food......he tries to make a scene but usually one of us steps in and he quiets down...most days he is real confused and hard to talk with....I usually just give up. I will be taking him with me to the new house to help build a deck on. I figured out how to take him and still care for him while I work. He got real upset last time I left him home so best keep him close b

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey....#77

  All our kids were home for a few days....hubby was so excited. He would set and tell them some real old stories. Ones that I knew was all tangled up but we let him talk. He would tire real easy and had to rest a lot. Everyone went home and we all went back to work and yesterday he was so sad as he had to stay home by himself. Today his son Jon calls and ask him if he wants to go to dinner. Hubby got all excited took a shower, got dressed up. Sat down in his chair and fell asleep. He is still sleeping until our son comes. Life is so good when all our kids are home. We made some real good memories that we will remember forever.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #76

  Well with this heat wave we have stayed pretty close to home. I have been finishing some household projects and hubby just reading a little and resting. But today for some reason he is feeling all the pains of this disease....dizzy, no appetite, bowel problems, wanting to just sleep, legs hurt and a new one his ankles hurt. It seems to have all started he is sleeping....grandkids came to visit and he played with them for a little while then back to bed. He never sleeps during the, I do sometimes but not him....So if you are not busy just whisper a small prayer for him today. Thank you and God bless all of you...we love and appreciate everyone of you and so happy we can call upon you to pray when we need it...God bless...

Son Jason

  You know I have been really thinking about the prodigal son....really getting into it...also how there isn't a perfect parent...we are all just winging it.....some of us think we were the perfect parent but just go ask one of your will learn things you didn't even know happened....well we have been blessed to have 3 of our 4 kids live pretty close to us....all but our oldest son Jason....he lives in Nevada...jason went to elementary school here in Lewiston...then we chose to private school him and then homeschool him...he finished school got his GED and then started working his butt off....his goal was money, assets and a great life....he worked his way up to Manager of Telsa in Reno, to know E Musk very well and even traveled with him....he had no time for family....he is married and has 3 daughters...but us in Idaho no time for us...he would text us...stop in as he traveled through but never really visited...just hi gotta go......but this old mom and

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey...#75

  Our morning has been crazy.....hubby and I got up early to go pull weeds along our fence.....we got them pulled ....worked on laundry...picked up grandkids....came home and worked in the kitchen and then hubby says "o I forgot to tell you I lost my hearing aid"....he has a special $5000 hearing aid....good granddaughter Ariell and I are in a panic...outside looking inside looking....crawling on the floor where he changed clothes......everywhere.......finally I decide I need coffee..........exhausted from looking and there beside the coffee pot is the hearing aid......crazy part is hubby very seldom drinks coffee....mercy....... Lately I have found things put everywhere.....he tries to help but can't remember where things go........weird things in the refrigerator.....dirty dishes in the cupboards, tools all over etc.....just part of the package...I don't even say anything any more...I just go behind him and change things back.....part of life...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #74

  We have the best kids....we are just home and son Jon calls and says we are coming with a surprise for you.....and I guess a puppy and said "Jon says no more dogs".....but Jon and Sue walk in with this brand new brown recliner lifter chair from the furniture store in Clarkston for reclines but also raises up for easy getting out of it....such a blessing as hubby is having issues today with his legs and back being stiff.....makes us want to cry we are so blessed....

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #73

  We had a real nice couple of days camping....met a couple from the Netherlands who visited with us as they were getting ready to leave for came and went....grandkids loved swimming at the beach...hubby and I have been married for 50 years but over the last couple days I heard stories from him I have never heard before....his disease has stages and this one was so different....he was so mellow....into telling about his childhood....fears he had.... at times he just wept and cried....things I didn't know....but tore my heart out to see him cry........but as a caregiver/wife....I was told at these times to just let him talk........made me realize more how this is right in our faces....more how I feel before 70 you pretty much control your own life and choses....but after 70 life pretty much controls you.......we enjoyed the time with each other and got to know each other even more.......hubby had fun just meeting people...waving, talking to different ones he didn&#

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #72

  Downstairs in basement getting a few more camping items when I saw all my croquet games....I have about 6-8 complete sets of vintage croquet games......we haven't used them in years......but I was thinking I might try this out camping this weekend as hubby used to love to play so I am taking it ...can't hurt to try....he said he doesn't remember how to play but it should come back in pieces to him......we will see...I need to take the time and sew up some bags to keep each set in...