Idaho's largest Yard sale

this last weekend we drove 6 hours to Boise to go to the Idaho's Largest Yard Sale.  We have not ever gotten to go before and decided it would make a great trip out of town for the weekend.  We met up with our daughter in Nampa and drove over to Boise.  The sale was in the Fairgrounds and was really large.  Even though we got up at 2 am and drove for 6 hours we were 3 hours late.  The gates opened at 7:00 am and we arrived at 10:00.  We took our shopping carts along with us and everyone loved our liners.  It was so easy to make them and then we realized people were using garbage bags, pillowcases and some never used anything to hold their items in their carts.  So when they saw ours they loved them.  I should have thought about it sooner and made some to sell.  Oh, well maybe next time.

So we purchased a few things, nothing really overwhelming.  We were almost ready to go when hubby starts looking.  Before this he just helped with our carts and then he spotted an old wedge, the kind that he used to use when he was a boy.  He used it to split wood with and he purchased it.  Then he turned around and found a fencing panel that he has been using to fence in our yard at home.  It was the vinyl kit kind.  It was there with two fence posts for $15.00.  For the same ones we have been buying from Home Depot for $70.  So it was a good find.

All in all a great day, got sunburned, a few items and a great visit with daughter.


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