Getting Ready to make my lavendar soap bars

Now that my lavender is in the process of drying I now need to get all my items together that I will need to make my soap. I just make soap the re-fashioning way. I don't like the idea of having to use the lye that is needed in homemade soap making so I just re-fashion it.

Off to the nearest Wal-mart to purchase a pack of Ivory soap. I like to get the pack that has 6-8 bars in it. The reason for this is the Ivory soap has already gone through the process of the mixing of lye and fats and the right proportion. It's just a simple pleasant soap.

We take the bars and shave them on an old cheese grater. Usually that is a job for the hubby. We take the lavender seeds/flowers and put about 1/4 cup of boiling water on them and let them set for about 15-20 minutes. This way they get to steep. You can also add a little lavender oil at this time. Then bring this mixer back to a boil and add this to the melted soap. Let cool a little about 15-20 minutes and pour into molds. Here I like to use some of my old vintage jello molds. They make cool shapes. If it is hard to get them out just place in fairly warm water for a few seconds and they will fall out. This need to be left for about 2-3 weeks just to cure.

I like to go to the nearest $1.00 store and purchase there little silk bags that are about 2-4 inches wide and have a pull string at the top. This is where I place several bars of soap.

Now they are ready for is a site that gives the best directions: enjoy


  1. finished my first batch today and I used jergens instead of ivory, should have stayed with the ivory because jergens has a slight smell already, I used the tip of a purple crayon for color, didn't use the essence oil and I will go purchase some today, the lavender is pretty in it but not enough to make it smell lavendery. will keep working on this until I perfect it..also considering using the crockpot method.


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