Harvesting my Lavendar

Memorial day and we are home this year no camping for us. So we are up at 6 am and working in the yard. I wanted today to start harvesting some of my lavendar. I love to bundle it, dry it and make sachets with it for gifts.
Tonight while we are resting we will take it and tie string around small bundles.

We have had it in this raised garden for about 3 years now and it seems to work really nice.

We have a total of three raised gardens now. One for lavendar, one for my tomatoes and hubby is making the third one today for the grandkids to put their lettuce, radishes and green onion seeds in. We have been promising them one for a few months and the neighbor gave us the brick this week so it worked out really nice for them to be able to plant this week.

Here at the rusty cupboard we always have something to do.


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