
Showing posts from May, 2012

Getting Ready to make my lavendar soap bars

Now that my lavender is in the process of drying I now need to get all my items together that I will need to make my soap. I just make soap the re-fashioning way. I don't like the idea of having to use the lye that is needed in homemade soap making so I just re-fashion it. Off to the nearest Wal-mart to purchase a pack of Ivory soap. I like to get the pack that has 6-8 bars in it. The reason for this is the Ivory soap has already gone through the process of the mixing of lye and fats and the right proportion. It's just a simple pleasant soap. We take the bars and shave them on an old cheese grater. Usually that is a job for the hubby. We take the lavender seeds/flowers and put about 1/4 cup of boiling water on them and let them set for about 15-20 minutes. This way they get to steep. You can also add a little lavender oil at this time. Then bring this mixer back to a boil and add this to the melted soap. Let cool a little about 15-20 minutes and pour into molds. Here I like to

Determined to Finish a Project Today

Determined to finish this project. I have been working on it for about 2 months off and on. I work a few rows and put it down. Not that it's hard, it's just a shell cluster using double crocheting but I guess I get bored with it. So I leave it near my chair so in the evenings while watching TV I will pick it up and do a couple more rows. Today I will finish it and it will be available in our etsy shop.

Harvesting my Lavendar

Memorial day and we are home this year no camping for us. So we are up at 6 am and working in the yard. I wanted today to start harvesting some of my lavendar. I love to bundle it, dry it and make sachets with it for gifts. Tonight while we are resting we will take it and tie string around small bundles. We have had it in this raised garden for about 3 years now and it seems to work really nice. We have a total of three raised gardens now. One for lavendar, one for my tomatoes and hubby is making the third one today for the grandkids to put their lettuce, radishes and green onion seeds in. We have been promising them one for a few months and the neighbor gave us the brick this week so it worked out really nice for them to be able to plant this week. Here at the rusty cupboard we always have something to do.

Off at 8:am Yard Selling with Grandkids

So funny, my grandkids are programmed to know Grandma. They came at 7 am this morning to have breakfast and then go off to school but they remembered it was friday and they had time to go yard selling and then to school. So we were off after they ate breakfast, first stop is always McDonald's for hot chocolate and coffee for me and then to the gas station to get a money saver for the sales. But with this being Memorial yard sales. After checking we find one in Clarkston and we figure we have time so they all yell road trip and we are on our way. we have a total of 46 minutes to get there yard sale and be back to school in time. The sale was great for Grandma, grandkids couldn't find anything. Just not a kid sale. But grandma got.. This cool rocking chair which I will give to my daughter because I already have 3 rocking chairs. These really cool dark stained solid oak mirror panels which I will rework and hang on the wall in the family room. This one old sewing bask

Idaho's largest Yard sale

this last weekend we drove 6 hours to Boise to go to the Idaho's Largest Yard Sale.  We have not ever gotten to go before and decided it would make a great trip out of town for the weekend.  We met up with our daughter in Nampa and drove over to Boise.  The sale was in the Fairgrounds and was really large.  Even though we got up at 2 am and drove for 6 hours we were 3 hours late.  The gates opened at 7:00 am and we arrived at 10:00.  We took our shopping carts along with us and everyone loved our liners.  It was so easy to make them and then we realized people were using garbage bags, pillowcases and some never used anything to hold their items in their carts.  So when they saw ours they loved them.  I should have thought about it sooner and made some to sell.  Oh, well maybe next time. So we purchased a few things, nothing really overwhelming.  We were almost ready to go when hubby starts looking.  Before this he just helped with our carts and then he spotted an old wedge, th

Kitchen re-model is so slow

Hubby is working on taking out the old cupboards that have been in this house since 1958..made of solid wood and put in with at least 100 nails.  These cupboards are all home made.  Mostly just long boards with doors and drawers added.  So they go from one side to the other.  We want to remove all of them and then work on electricity up grades and then new cabinets and counter tops.  If you look real close you can see that the original linoleum wallpaper is still there.  It was just covered up.  The original counter top had linoleum on it and then someone added some tile square but not a great job at it.  All will be gone... Our problem is we started this and then had to switch to getting ready for a wedding.  Our youngest son is getting married this weekend and we are all geared up to have a great time. We did in the middle of all the planning go out and purchase the counter tops for the kitchen and they are just sitting on the studs for now.  Not attached just sitting t