Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey


Been so quiet here ever since we got back from the neurologist. Hubby was to start taking a double dose of one of his medications. So his body is trying to adjust to it. When at the doctors she gave him a couple tests. One had questions I don't remember all the questions but one was what year it is and hubby said 2021. One was who I was and who Val was, and he got them right. He was asked how old he was, and he said 75 he is 73. What is 4 - 3. Questions like those. Which showed her his childhood cognitive awareness is still intact. Which he should not have problems with bowel issues or hygiene as the diseases progress. Things he was taught as a child. A friend dropped off a book called "I'm Betty" so I have been reading and studying it. Today again hubby has been in bed a lot. So, getting used to the idea of being alone. I go check on him all the time to make sure he is still breathing but all is good. Just another step in this journey.


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