Removing a little cement and tiles...major job

 When we purchased this house 6 years ago we knew we were in for a lot of work but thought it would be fun to just remodel it how we wanted and at the pace we wanted.  So we were in for a lot of work.  A lot has been done and a lot has been redone.  My husband is a truck driver not a carpenter and I am a housewife, so we had to do a lot of research and google time.  This first picture is where we took a one car garage that was attached to the house and made it a dining room/TV room.  But since it was a garage before we had just cement slab for a floor.  We treated it and then covered it with tile squares, not the porcelian kind because the floor was not level, (remember it was a garage from the 1958's) so we used the vinyl kind.  They worked really nice and then we used an area rug for the TV area.  But along one wall was a lip that stood up about 1 /12 inches higher than the rest of the floor and ran the length of the wall.  Everyone stubbed their toes on it and so we decided it was time to do something about it.  So we had to remove the tiles without ruining them because we wanted to replace them after the work was done.
 Husband is a strong man and decided he would take a mall and break up the cement and then remove it.  It was so funny he put on his googgles and got his mall and wamm he hit the cement.  The mall just bounced off and made a lot of sparks.  Whamm he hit it again and again...nothing happened but a few crumbles along the edge, so we dug down and found out that cement slab is 6-7 inches thick.....not good.
 So we went to plan #2...there wasn't a plan #2.  So we went to google and found out the best thing to do now was to lay more cement.  So we went off to Home Depot and got several bags of cement.   Then we had to remove a lot more tile squares for more room.  I got that job, since I was still recovering from pneumonia...I went really slow but got them off.
Then we had to mix the cement and bring it into the house in a wheelbarrow.  As you can see not much there and that is a bag of cement.  What we are trying now to do is level the lip off to meet the rest of the floor and then have a level area.  This meant a lot of cement.  Two bags was not the trick, hubby had to go get about 8 more to finish the job.  So we poured and leveled, poured and leveled...took most of the day...we are not pros at this so it was a little rough so back to google and found out to smooth it all out.  We had to wait a couple days for it to dry and then replace the tile squares.  Now it isn't perfect, not a pro job but no one will stub their toes any more and it is all nice and finished.  We had to repaint a few areas due to mishaps, decided to change the chair rail and then replace the baseboard trim.. all is well now for the holidays and a lot of the near future we will be having it all carpeted.  We decided it would be a little warmer for the grandkids.  So we will be ready to sale and move on....totally was our plans when we purchased this home and  will be what will happen soon.


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