24 Sets of Pillowcases to finish
So we were headed to the restaurant when we saw one more sale and decided to stop. By now we were running low on funds because we only take a set amount yarding that way we never come home with regrets. So we stopped and while hubby rummaged through the manly stuff, such as tools, hunting and automotive items, I found a box. It was priced $5 for all. It was a treasure....full of new folded stamped pillowcases ready to be finished, new material (yards of it all folded up as it had come from the store), knitting needles, crochet hooks, pattern books, yarn and more and more goodies. I was so excited..but I couldn't carry it and hubby wasn't looking so I stood guard until I got his glance....
It is all mine. I brought it home and there was another 11 SETS of pillowcases. I now have 24 SETS of pillowcases to finish and put into our Etsy store. I told husband I just laid up my winter supply. Yards of material that I have washed, ironed and folded and are in my material cabinet ready for whatever pops into my head. All accessories are now put away and I am so excited to get to work on them this fall....
Just another great day yarding with hubby..
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