
Showing posts from 2025

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

Just a heads up...yes, I am fine. I am not depressed or anxious. I am bored. I am adjusting to this new way of life, and I get bored. But all is well. And yes, our neurologist knows about everything. Those who are walking this with me knows that every 4 months appointments are more for the caregiver than the patient. The patient gets their meds adjusted but it's a terminal disease so not a lot they can do so they are there for the caregiver. They listen to our complaints and ideas and work through them with us. Also, anyone who knows me knows I am an open book...everyone everywhere knows when I hurt, when I am down, when I am up etc...I tell all.... thank you for your concerns and helps...just pray for us and we will continue to walk this journey...God bless and we appreciate all of you.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  It's so crazy how our lives change...for 40+ years this time of year I am working on my vintage campers. I love getting it all dressed up and ready for the camping trips of the year. This year life has changed so much that I just look at things and walk on by. I would always think of a theme and then shop for items and work the insides of the camper over for that theme. Hubby has changed and I guess I have changed. For the good I am not sure. But I look at so many things with a different eye, now. Even plans for the backyard have changed. Maybe closer to Spring I will get my mojo back but for now. No interest....I do more wondering around in circles than getting things done. Well have a great day and try to smile and make someone else's day...God bless...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey

  Been so quiet here ever since we got back from the neurologist. Hubby was to start taking a double dose of one of his medications. So his body is trying to adjust to it. When at the doctors she gave him a couple tests. One had questions I don't remember all the questions but one was what year it is and hubby said 2021. One was who I was and who Val was, and he got them right. He was asked how old he was, and he said 75 he is 73. What is 4 - 3. Questions like those. Which showed her his childhood cognitive awareness is still intact. Which he should not have problems with bowel issues or hygiene as the diseases progress. Things he was taught as a child. A friend dropped off a book called "I'm Betty" so I have been reading and studying it. Today again hubby has been in bed a lot. So, getting used to the idea of being alone. I go check on him all the time to make sure he is still breathing but all is good. Just another step in this journey.
  Been a quiet 51st anniversary.... hubby has been resting most of the day...daughter purchased us dinner from El Sombrero, so I ran over and picked it of the day I have been working on projects, watching old movies and resting...hubby is in bed again trying to rest so a quiet evening here....been a good day we are blessed to be alive and we have a safe warm home and many blessings...
  Hubby is down today...he was sick all not much sleep...not sure if it was the trip...the flu or his new meds....but letting him spend the day in bed sleeping....sure quiet in here but getting things done...
  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey We are back from the doctor appointments. Our doctor is a God send so nice, so kind, so helpful and she really cares. We found that hubby's body has adjusted to his meds which makes them not as effective. So that causes him to have issues, so she is upping the meds. She tested his cognitive awareness and found that hubby's childhood cognitive awareness is in still in effect. Which means he probably won't have the late stage issues that come with lewy body so that is good. But he is now 1-4 years left. But I have been thinking about King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:6 he was 38 years old when God added 15 years to his life. God holds us in his hands. So we trust and obey.
  We will be off today and on our road trip...glad I am going....but a little worried about the roads...hubby has been real confused the last week. So we will see what our dr. has to say. Yesterday he went to the basement to get something and couldn't find his way back up the stairs. But I am feeling blessed so we got this. Lots of emotions in me today lots of things happening in our life and family. The good thing is we have to depend on the hand of God and He has a perfect plan. We just have to trust and obey. Have a great week and remember to kiss and hug your family. Time is short.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

Every time I give a good report about our disease something goes crazy. Last night was just weird. We still share the same bed...and before you all go crazy the reason is so I can know when hubby is struggling. If I put him in the guest room he could be all over the house and me not knowing he is even up. Since you all have been a part of our journey I have tried to be honest in everything and keep you all informed about this disease and also for the ones who are also going through this so you know you are not alone. Well, I was exhausted, so I went to bed a little before hubby. I was sound asleep when I noticed hubby shaking, legs kicking, etc....this wakes me up and then hubby leans up and stares at me...and yells "what are you doing in my bed"...."this is my bed"...why are you here"....I say "what are you talking about"...he says "you know this is my bed"....I said "do you want to sleep in the guest room"......

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey

  Lately it seems like hubby is in a slump...he wants to sleep all day and lay awake at night. He sets and just stares at the grandkids or me and doesn't' want to do anything. Finally, I turned around and said, "Brent do you hurt anywhere"...he says "no". I said, "then get up and move and find something to do".....I said, "you are not dead and not dying today so let's not just give up". Apparently, that is all he needed...he walked in and talked to the grandkids and then looked for his word search books and started working them. Sometimes we just need to be shaken from our thoughts and life. He is now more like the old Brent. Not sure if it was me and daughter talking about the wheelchair that has done it or not. We ordered a chair, and it will be coming but it is to get him outside not depress him. We go to the neurologist in a couple weeks and see how things are going...but until then...we are staying alive and moving these ...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey

  We are off on a roll....kinda driving me crazy and it's only 7:45's garbage day for us here today so we have to take our garbage bin to the side of the road. This has always been hubbies' job so I wake him up and say "don't forget the garbage man is coming today". He says "ok". I go get the house ready for the grandkids to come for homeschool. I look out the window and just have to laugh....poor hubby got confused and out along the main road is my kitchen garbage can and the bathroom wastebasket ...just setting along the road. I say "Brent no you have to take the garbage cart out the one that is outside and put it along the road:. grandson asks hubby could I have pancakes.....I go into the kitchen and hubby who is never to use the microwave had put 3 pancakes into it and put them on for 4 minutes.....they were burned black and the plate was so hot.....this man keeps me on my toes....ready to jump ....watching at all ...

Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey

  Our LBD and Parkinson disease journey They tell me it's because of a full moon. I don't know anything about the moon. But my hubby of 73 with LBD and Parkinson has been in some bad moods the last couple days. He wears a earing aid in one ear. he has always been able to change the battery but yesterday he put the battery in backwards and forced it closed and so it did not work he got angry and I had to take it to the clinic to get it fixed. Today he was shaving with straight razors cutting his face up...I said no use the electric razor and he got angry pulled his arm back like he was going to hit me. Yelling he will do what he wants. He broke down and cried yesterday because he said no one would listen to him. Not sure what that was about. Life has been hard the last week. And yes he is taking his meds but we lost a friend and he has been crying and crying...sometimes this life is just a crazy hard mess...just saying..thank you for listening and if it...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

  Well, according to Facebook it has been one year since we first saw the neurologist in Meridian. We were told then that hubby had lewy body dementia and Parkinson disease. We were told that he was in middle to late stage and he had 2-5 years to live. I have cried and prayed and tried to make things as good as possible. We trusted the Lord and with all your prayers we have made it through some tough things. I can say life is far better today than it was a year ago. Hubby is on mood meds and they really do help. He is on a med to help with hallucinations, dreams and acting out the dreams. You know we are a no med family but sometimes we have to do what is best for our loved ones. These meds have really helped us out. We will see what the next year has for us. But we want to thank all of you who have walked with us through this journey. Who never cut us down, made fun of us, or passed us by. You have all cared and prayed and we fill your prayers. Now off to another year. W...

Our LBD and P disease journey

  Do you ever get to a place in your life where you feel you are in limbo? Orders for our shop are filled longer working for son in construction, no longer working retail, holidays are over, housework is all caught up, decorations are all down, not planning many camping trips this summer, due to hubby's medical problems and appointments, sons apartment is now in order, I plan school lessons and research all I need for homeschooling two grandkids, and we do homeschool each day. But the rest of the time I am in I am waiting...for what?.... not sure. Today hubby and grandkids were all asleep and I wondered around and around the house. Restless.....nothing seems I grabbed a book and set and read the whole thing.... somethings a stir within me but not sure just what.....Hubby has been really tired...not hurting...just not wanting to read, watch TV or anything...just sleep or stare at nothing....2025 what do you have in store for us?....actually ...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

  A few days ago I wrote a post/article about our journey for the Lewy Body Dementia Caregiver Support Group....later I was contacted by a lady from New Jersey asking to talk...I told them I am only a wife not a professional of anything. But ones are reaching out to talk. Someone with a ear to listen and feel the same pain we all feel. Pray I can help them with trusting the Lord. That is all I can recommend is trusting God. I myself is discouraged and failing. Today I feel so heart sick about this awful disease. I tried to get hubby to go shopping for a little bit with me. He decided to go but his leg has been swollen, his ankle and his knee. He rode with me to the store and stayed in the car. We got home and he fell asleep. I cooked dinner and watched as he gasped for air as he was sleeping. Mouth open and breathing hard. Finally he woke up and walked around and got some dinner. But choked on the dinner and spit it all over him and the chair. Went back to his chair a...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journe

Tonight I almost have a fear to even post. Been a crazy emotional week. But hubby has been sick now for about 4 days. His leg, ankle and foot is swollen so he hobbles around the house. I am sure it is bakers knot again which they told us just to give Ibuprofen for the pain. But I am going to talk with the kids tomorrow and maybe take him to the walk in clinic to make sure we are doing what we can. So this post is for prayer. He is suffering with this and I know the diseases do strange things, but I need to know for sure. He is back to screaming and jumping in bed and hearing strange sounds he was screaming i am sliding stop stop..I was sound asleep and flew out of bed thinking i was having a heart attack. If you are tired of hearing about our journey that is's our journey and we are the ones walking in it. All we need is prayer thank you so much...appreciate all of you...and for those who have been asking ..yes I am on the mend...slowly getting my strength back......
  Lazy cold day here.... hubbies leg is still swollen, ankle and foot so he is limping doing fine...thanks for prayers but we are just hunkering down at home again today...God bless and have a wonderful fun filled day.......

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey We live in such a crazy world. A world where most all of us are suffering in one way or another. Always something coming our way. No one is immune to it. It's life. But we pick up our selves and become an adult about it and move on. We find joy or happiness in one way or another and go on with life. Ones who have dementia....can't do this...they are slowly loosing their ability to figure things out and move on over the top of the situation. Hubby was setting yesterday with swollen leg, ankle and foot reading his Bible and he looks at me and says "ones like me going through disease needs HOPE".....HOPE...a life line to something better....never take HOPE from someone....words hurt, actions hurt but what do we do....we lay it at the feet of Jesus and then we move on. Hubby just wants to have HOPE....that he can still have a future even though he comments "my body is giving out". Stand strong peop...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey 2025 #1

  We have started a new year and to be honest I am just a little worried about it. I can see the future and it scares me. Lately hubby is been good...just changing. He follows me from room to room like a shadow. And to be honest drives me crazy but I let him. He doesn't ever say he is hungry but if I go to the kitchen and get a Keurig he wants one. If I get a bowl of cereal he wants one. Everything I get he wants and yes I fix him meals. But with my stomach problems I don't eat what he needs but he still wants what I do and eat. He no longer can get the grandkids juice or milk out of the refrigerator. He is limited on more things every week. He sleeps good no nightmares or weird dreams. No screaming or yelling as his meds are controlling that. We were at our youngest son's house in Asotin and I asked hubby to take garbage to the dumpster and it was dark and he got lost. I finally found him but he can no longer take garbage out. He is getting harder and harder to ...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

Well i made a mistake tonight..I asked hubby to take the garbage out and he didn't come back...when I realized he was still gone I run out yelling his name running down the road ..I hear him yelling where are you I can't find you...mercy scared me to death. He got to the road and got turned around and was going the wrong way