
Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

Just a heads up...yes, I am fine. I am not depressed or anxious. I am bored. I am adjusting to this new way of life, and I get bored. But all is well. And yes, our neurologist knows about everything. Those who are walking this with me knows that every 4 months appointments are more for the caregiver than the patient. The patient gets their meds adjusted but it's a terminal disease so not a lot they can do so they are there for the caregiver. They listen to our complaints and ideas and work through them with us. Also, anyone who knows me knows I am an open book...everyone everywhere knows when I hurt, when I am down, when I am up etc...I tell all.... thank you for your concerns and helps...just pray for us and we will continue to walk this journey...God bless and we appreciate all of you.

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  It's so crazy how our lives change...for 40+ years this time of year I am working on my vintage campers. I love getting it all dressed up and ready for the camping trips of the year. This year life has changed so much that I just look at things and walk on by. I would always think of a theme and then shop for items and work the insides of the camper over for that theme. Hubby has changed and I guess I have changed. For the good I am not sure. But I look at so many things with a different eye, now. Even plans for the backyard have changed. Maybe closer to Spring I will get my mojo back but for now. No interest....I do more wondering around in circles than getting things done. Well have a great day and try to smile and make someone else's day...God bless...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey

  Been so quiet here ever since we got back from the neurologist. Hubby was to start taking a double dose of one of his medications. So his body is trying to adjust to it. When at the doctors she gave him a couple tests. One had questions I don't remember all the questions but one was what year it is and hubby said 2021. One was who I was and who Val was, and he got them right. He was asked how old he was, and he said 75 he is 73. What is 4 - 3. Questions like those. Which showed her his childhood cognitive awareness is still intact. Which he should not have problems with bowel issues or hygiene as the diseases progress. Things he was taught as a child. A friend dropped off a book called "I'm Betty" so I have been reading and studying it. Today again hubby has been in bed a lot. So, getting used to the idea of being alone. I go check on him all the time to make sure he is still breathing but all is good. Just another step in this journey.
  Been a quiet 51st anniversary.... hubby has been resting most of the day...daughter purchased us dinner from El Sombrero, so I ran over and picked it of the day I have been working on projects, watching old movies and resting...hubby is in bed again trying to rest so a quiet evening here....been a good day we are blessed to be alive and we have a safe warm home and many blessings...
  Hubby is down today...he was sick all not much sleep...not sure if it was the trip...the flu or his new meds....but letting him spend the day in bed sleeping....sure quiet in here but getting things done...
  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey We are back from the doctor appointments. Our doctor is a God send so nice, so kind, so helpful and she really cares. We found that hubby's body has adjusted to his meds which makes them not as effective. So that causes him to have issues, so she is upping the meds. She tested his cognitive awareness and found that hubby's childhood cognitive awareness is in still in effect. Which means he probably won't have the late stage issues that come with lewy body so that is good. But he is now 1-4 years left. But I have been thinking about King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:6 he was 38 years old when God added 15 years to his life. God holds us in his hands. So we trust and obey.
  We will be off today and on our road trip...glad I am going....but a little worried about the roads...hubby has been real confused the last week. So we will see what our dr. has to say. Yesterday he went to the basement to get something and couldn't find his way back up the stairs. But I am feeling blessed so we got this. Lots of emotions in me today lots of things happening in our life and family. The good thing is we have to depend on the hand of God and He has a perfect plan. We just have to trust and obey. Have a great week and remember to kiss and hug your family. Time is short.