
Our LBD and parkinson disease journey

 Have you ever wondered what you would do if your spouse passed away from a terrible disease?  Where do you go?  What do you do?  Where will you live?    So many questions.  They are on my mind all the time.  Hubby is in a stage of Lewy Body Dementia....last night he had bad dreams and was yelling.  I woke him up and he settled down...but I could not sleep....I tossed and turned until I finally got back up and walked the floor.  I always walk when I am stressed, and I needed answers.   I have children who are married with kids but what mother wants to make herself a burden to them and their families.  I sure don't.  But what lies ahead for me.  I will take care of hubby as long as my body will hold out.... which if I have to crawl, I will be there for him.  We are in this together.  But for the future he cannot even think about it.  The disease will not allow him to do so.  He just looks at me and says, "I don't know but you will figure it out".  A doctor put in for m

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey Not sure where to start...hubby has been not feeling well the last few days....gets very upset easy....thinks I am being mean to him by not letting him go back to work driving truck....then he sleeps most of the day and awake all night...last night he was in bed out of bed walking around...back in bed ...back out of sleep for this he is not feeling well...eyes are glassy and his face is flushed....same meds....just this crazy disease...he can't even think about what needs done or not done....he gets more obsessed over little pieces of paper on the floor...drives me crazy...he will walk around and pick up tiny things on the floor but walks over the toys or clothes the grandkids drop......neurologist says it's normal for this stage but drives me crazy...he can't understand why he is not getting better and he feels so tired all the time....I don't know why he isn't getting better but I know

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  Nothing is impossible to those who believe. ....While the storm is raging,...... it's easy to forget how good God can be...but hold on! ............The enemy comes to rob,......... to kill and to destroy........Remember when God saved your marriage,........ helped you find that financial breakthrough?.......... Remember when your prodigal son came home,............ your relationship was mended? .........Remember when He sent that job out of the blue,..........or a neighbor to hold your hand while you were facing your darkest day? That same God is still in charge. ..........And He is still watching over you........... He did not bring you this far to let you down today..... Cling tightly to the hem of his garment.......... The healer is passing this way

Our Lewy Body dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey

  if your parents are downsizing, or moving to smaller places, or selling a home, give your mom and even your dad a break. For those things that you don't understand why they can’t just pitch, and why you think you know what needs to be tossed or saved, give them a little time to make their decisions. They are saying goodbye to their past, and realizing that they are getting ready for their end of life, while you are just beginning your life. As I have been going through things, it is amazing just how hard it is to get rid of objects. But, life goes on, and you realize they are just things, but sometimes things comfort us. So give your parents or grandparents a break. Listen to their stories, because in 40 years, when you are going through those boxes and the memories come back, it will be hard to get rid of those reminders of precious moments that make up a life well lived. You just don't have a clue until it happens to you, and then you will remember how you rushed them, and

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey

  Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson disease journey Today hubby went to work with me...I was to scrap old paint off a wall of a house and prepare it so it could be painted again...we had to scrap and caulk all cracks. Hubby helped out as much as he confused about tools....and directions but was a good help. As long as I kept the instructions one at a time. We worked hard and put in a long day. But got it all done. Tonight hubby went to bed early and was doing good until a few minutes ago when he woke up yelling and throwing his arms around. I finally got him awake and settled down and he said he was fighting a guy that was trying to hurt my foster mom (mom Carr)....weird which I haven't seen her in years....but hubby was fighting him in his dreams. Now he is sleeping sound. This disease is so weird...some days he is almost normal and others so confused. Almost like two people instead of one. I never know when or where he will be a mess....he got angry a fe

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease journey #101

  Today has started off....with me laughing, crying and walking away. First I find hubby standing in the kitchen holding a pair of pants. I say "What are you doing?" he says trying to find out how to get into I get him in the bedroom find him pants...I walk away and finally go back to find him with all his pants out of the closet on the floor...."I say now what are you doing?"....he says trying to find the ones you want me to wear....mercy.........then he is calling for me in the kitchen....I find him at the coffee bar saying "where do I put the grounds"....he is trying to use the Keurig....."no Brent no coffee grounds you use a k cup:.........back to the socks........socks everywhere.....but he thinks not one of them is the right one.......he goes down to the laundry room......I say "brent you are not to do laundry any not".........well....I go down as he is yelling up the stairs what is with all these clothes...

Our Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Journey #100

  Today was a sad day not a bad day just sad. I have been trying to get the last window in our house done before winter but always something seemed to come up and it didn't get done. So today was the day. Hubby and I worked together and got all 10 windows in except one when my wrists were broke and I was in casts our grandson Brayden helped grandpa. But today....hubby would try but would get so confused. He didn't know where to put the old boards....what to do with getting me tools. Just so many things we always did together. This time I was on my own. I would try to explain things to him but it would just confuse him more. Makes me sad....he is still leaving me...little by little.....and I already miss him and he is setting in his chair.....terrible disease.